Some day I’ll wish upon a star And wake up where the clouds are far behind me Where troubles melt like lemondrops
Away above the chimney tops That’s where you’ll find me
Away above the chimney tops That’s where you’ll find me

Antique shop close to Taksim. "If my house looked like this I would be happy"
Liber photo exhibition in the area of Sultanahmet, whit brains and old hats, coloured paper articles and a story from a father
Of course we ate more kebab than ever, in the afternoon, morning shine and night light
And visited a lot of secand hand stores in basements of the bohemian area
The view of the modern part of Istanbul seen from the ferry
Saunter around in Moda at the Asian side of Istanbul, to the sounds of "Love in Portofino" on an old grammophone
The Sultan Ahmed Mosque - Known as the Blue Mosque for the blue tiles adorning the walls of its interior
If you put one peice I will try to find the next one
"Because a small key can open a big door"
The cats are the queens of Istanbul. They seem to live a very good life, getting fed and being allowed to take a nap at any sofa in any store, being pet at the street corner in the sun, yawn on a pile of old booksbut still remaining free.
The old book market, we wanted to buy it all but settled with a bnch of beautiful post cards from the past
In a corner men were selling jewellery, old coins and dust from suitcases
Everywhere these delectable-looking forniture, just standing in pails at the streets
Old houses and flexible legs, in a corner next to three milion people just passing by
Inside the most populair sight Haga Sophia, where the art consists of a houndred letters and the light reaches in through coloured glass
Marion, inside the store where we drunk tea in glassware cups, danced with a sunny man with moustache and I got a present for my 20th birthday
I wish I could frame these days and keep them on the wall of my bedroom forever. But photos can not tell the enthrall beauty of Itanbul. Still maybe I will try.