Ok, this was last week, but I've been busy.. This is pictures from preparing the Halloween Party for the 9th and 10th grade. The first pictures are from last Sunday, then some are from last Wednesday and the last ones are from Thursday when we were decorating the Gymnastic Hall.
Making garlands, posters and cutting baths together with some very hard-working 10th graders
Marion, as pretty as usually
Luminita making some not so scary posters
The box for "votes for the best costume", decorated with Luis' very cool recycled bath ;)
Wednesday: Makin some more garlands
Me cutting some paper to hang in the door opening
Thursday afternoon and we were decorating the Gymnastic Hall, the girls was so helpful!
And some very big balloons!
This day was such a mess, my advice is not to plan a Halloween Party in Romania... The Romanian time is very difficult because it's never in time. They have an expression here going "Se Resolve" (det löser sig), and we really got to experience this during the planing of this event; everything was "it'll be ok", "I'll do it in an hour" or "I'll call someone who knows someone". It was exhausting! The same day as the party we also found out that the heating system in the Gymnastic Hall wasn't functioning, so the hall would be very cold...
But we made it in the end and we got ourselves a pretty good party.