onsdag 16 november 2011


I haven't updated for a while because I've been busy, but also because I've been sick. Last Wednesday I got some strange stomach pains but I didn't worry to much, I figured it was only nor malwhen you travel and eat a lot of different things in environments you're not used to. On Thursday the pain got worse, the pain came in sharp attacks lasted for about thirty seconds and then disappeared. On Friday it hurt so much I had to hold my breath and after each "attack" I felt like I had to throw up, in the night I also got some fever and next came the donderos donderos. On Saturday afternoon I was so exhausted from spending the night on the toilet and the pain was so bad that I had to go to the hospital. I was not so happy about this... I don't like to go to the hospital in Sweden and honestly I expected the worst from the Romanian one. But I was actually positively surprised! Sure you can't compare the standard to Sweden, but it was good and clean and the staff was nice and seamed to know what they were doing. The doctor thought I had some bacteria in my stomach, so I got antibiotics, some pills for the pain and some drip because I had lose so much liquid. I had to stay for two hours while the drip entered my body, together with some medicine against the bacteria. I am still not fully recovered, the pain comes from time to time, but I'm definitively getting better so I think I will be ok. I guess you have to be sick at least once when you move to live in a rural area in another country, it's part of the deal. 

This is the only picture I have of the hospital, but just so you get an idea!