Fruit and Vegteble market in Sibiu
Sibiu - Here the weather was actually quite warm
From "the Liars Bridge" at Piata Mare (Stora Torget) i Sibiu
The inner courtyard of the Castle - It was a very nice place and we wondered wheather it would be a good summer house for us in the future...
Bran Castle
A quick stop in Rasnov, and I found a very colourful sleeping bag for Vama Veche and Hultsfred for less than 5 Euros
Brasov - One of Transylvania's (and Romania's) greatest cities
Brasov - The first school of Romania
Constanta - Industry area
The Black sea and the Casino of Constanta
In Romania they do this minature green house thing with old PET-bottles, we will try to steal the idea for our balcony
An Ortodox Church in Bucharest and a Mosque in Constanta (the most important one in Romania according to my Lonely Planet)
We just like markets
The Cismigu Garden in Bucharest
A part of the Parlament Building - The second biggest admenistrative building in the world after Pentagon
The last day I waved goodbye to my family and spent on my own. It was great weather so I spent most of the time in the park with my book and music, wandered the streets of the Old City and in the night I met some nice Erasmus students from Turkey and drunk red wine in an bar that actually played great music